Thursday, January 1, 2009

Death by Parakeet

Well, it's Jan. 1, 2009, and this blogger is being quite neglected by her disloyal readers. The line showing visitors is flat since Dec. 22. What, Christmas is for your FAMILY or something? Get with the program! Enlightenment knows no vacation!

Speaking of Christmas, the whole tradition seemed superfluous this year. We went to bed Christmas Eve and I wondered what was so special about a few hours that we had to wait till Christmas morning to open presents. Kayti knows we are "Santa Claus," plus we buy presents all through the year, so it just seems dumb to observe the holiday. Do people really need the reminder to honor love, hope and charity? Of course not! People to whom love, hope and charity are important are honoring them all year round, and people who don't, well, they just don't! So why try to force them?

I love my family and friends and people in general (except anyone who has the audacity to move within 300 yards of my property). I don't need a stupid designated day to focus a little thought on them.

Bah, humbug.

Moving along, New Year's Eve is even stupider! It's just an excuse for a party, and I don't need an excuse for a party. If you want to drop in at my house any day of the year and party, I'm game!


My new parakeet has a very sharp beak.
I know this because if I give him the opportunity, he will sink it into whatever part of my body presents itself. He hangs on, too. It's not just a quick little nip. I have to pull his beak open to free myself.

I was holding him in front of me one day and the thought occurred to me that if he leaped up and bit my neck and hit the jugular vein, I might die! Jeez, I'm sorry, but that's almost as bad a thought as the fear I have of perishing by my head falling off. It's funny in a very morbid way, though, and if it should happen, I give you permission to laugh about it at my funeral (or wherever you happen to be; can't count on you folks to come to my funeral. You won't even come to my blog!).

May 2009 be your best year ever!



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