Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Let's Try This Again

I gave my first piano lesson today. It was a challenge. My 5-year-old student was very nervous and wouldn't even sit in front of the piano. I had to dredge up my psychology training and take her through a hierarchy of fears before she edged close enough to touch the keys. By the time she left, she'd thawed out considerably (probably from a massive dose of relief that it was over) and was showing me her gymnastics moves and speaking at a normal volume.

It's a beautiful day outside, if a bit chilly. November is bearable when sunny. It's the overcast days that make me want to just RUN AWAY.

Today's picture is my first experiment with the scanner, which my husband was kind enough to connect to and install on this computer. Actually, it's my fourth experiment. The first three scans wouldn't upload, I guess because they were saved as the wrong kinds of files.

This is a photo that appeared in 1971 in the Piscataquis Observer. Somehow I made it into the National Honor Society. Some society! We never had any meetings or did anything fun. The only thing we had in common was an ability to get good grades.

See if you can tell which one is me!


Anonymous said...

Front and center.

Debbi said...

Anyone else care to guess?

Anonymous said...

I am in the middle in the back, beside Debbie's unrequited love ( on far left). It wasn't just good grades that got you in, it was being of good character (the real Debbie didn't come out until UMO). These days, I wonder how any kids can show good character, what with Facebook posting endless pictures of teenagers doing embarrassing things. The only way of recalling events back in the Dark Ages is Debbie's diary, which she guards jealously, determined to keep us off the Supreme Court or being the next Obama appointee.

Debbi said...

Thank you for that comment, Anonymous. I had no idea good character played a part in my election. I was kind of a goody two shoes in those days. And Cliff T. was NOT my "unrequited love." He had that pillow, remember?